Demo MaxMind's
GeoIP® Databases
Our downloadable IP geolocation databases, with valuable insights for a variety of use cases
No network latency
or per query charges
or per query charges
Covers 99.9999% of
IP addresses in use
IP addresses in use
Automatic updates
Demo results highlight a subset of data from our
GeoIP databases
IP Address | Location | Network | Postal Code | Approximate Latitude / Longitude*, and Accuracy Radius | ISP / Organization | Domain | Connection Type |
No IP addresses submitted yet. |
Your search contains anycast networks. We do not provide geolocation information for anycast networks. Anycast networks do not have a fixed geolocation, and can serve content from anywhere in the world.
The coordinates are not precise and should not be used to identify a
particular street address or household. To better represent a level of
accuracy, you must include the Accuracy Radius (km) when displaying latitude
and longitude and make it clear that the coordinates refer to a larger
geographical area instead of a precise location.
Uncover the full extent of the GeoIP databases
Beyond IP geolocation, we provide detailed data points like time zone, ISP, and connection type. Tailor user experiences, target audiences, and optimize operations. Discover more about our GeoIP databases.