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Shop for geolocation or fraud detection services.*
* Online pricing of the GeoIP databases is meant for internal Restricted Business purposes only. Use in support of a commercial product requires the purchase of a commercial license. Refer to the licensing overview for more information.
Please allow 1 - 3 hours to process your order during US business hours, or up to 12 hours outside of US business hours. We require an email associated with an established website in order to process the order.
Refund Policy
All sales are final once you have downloaded a database as well as for any service queries used. Before you make a purchase, please take advantage of a free trial account to determine if our products satisfy your requirements.
If you have not yet downloaded a database or used any service queries, you may request a refund for up to two months after the date of purchase. In addition, you may request a partial refund for unused service queries for up to two months after purchase.