MaxMind's Modern Slavery Transparency Statement 2023
At MaxMind, we respect the personal dignity and rights of each individual and the laws and conventions aimed at promoting and protecting human rights.
Acts of modern slavery are directly opposed to our values. We are committed to ensuring that our business and our supply chains are free of acts of modern slavery.
This statement details the steps that MaxMind has taken between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023 to identify, mitigate, and prevent modern slavery risk within our business operations and supply chains.
Our business
MaxMind is a provider of IP address intelligence and fraud detection tools, serving customers across the globe. We operate as a fully remote company.
MaxMind considers the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking practices within its business to be very low.
MaxMind's business is not built upon the type of labor most vulnerable to such exploitation. MaxMind's employees consist of highly-skilled software developers, product management professionals, sales and account management personnel, and various other professionals including human resources, legal, and operations.
MaxMind's employees are all based in the United States and Canada, and MaxMind's human resources and legal teams regularly review employment laws and regulations to confirm that we are complying with all of our legal obligations with respect to our employees.
Our suppliers
MaxMind believes that the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking within its supply chain are low. The nature of MaxMind's business is such that our supply chain consists primarily of cloud service providers, software-as-a-service (“SaaS”) providers, and various professional services. We have reviewed all of our critical suppliers for their own evaluations on the risks of modern slavery within their respective businesses and their own statements and/or commitments against modern slavery.
Our continued commitment
During the 2024 financial year, MaxMind will continue to monitor and review our assessment of the risks of modern slavery in our business and supply chains.
Approval and signature
This statement was approved by MaxMind's Board of Directors.
Signed by
Thomas Mather
February 21, 2024
For MaxMind's Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement for the year ended 31 December 2022, click here.